Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Reverse Murmuration

Reverse Murmuration, Morning Flight, Dawn Explosion, Rolling Thunder.......Call it what you like, the Starlings leaving their roost is every bit as impressive as the famous evening murmurations. I had a bit of a go at taking some video of it at Ham Wall RSPB this morning, with the new Tor View providing a brilliant viewpoint pretty much right in the middle of one of the major roost sites. I completely failed to capture the magic of the moment, but hopefully its enough to encourage a few folk down to see it for themselves.

Later in the morning, a brief burst of sunshine provided some lovely light and the usual birdy suspects all put in an appearance. The mild winter so far is a bit of a bore, we really need a proper cold snap to push over some more interesting wildfowl, a Smew or two isn't too much to ask for christmas it it?


Little Grebe


Grey Heron
Water Rail
And finally, this duck was at the 2nd viewing platform. I think it's a Mallard X Pintail hybrid, but would welcome any views confirming/challenging that.