About Me

Me in a slightly warmer location than Somerset.
 Protecting migrant birds in Birdlife Malta's Springwatch camp
Joe Cockram

I was born and raised in Somerset, and have been birding on the Somerset Levels since I was 8 years old. Now 28, I have spent much of the past 11 years working on nature reserves around the UK, including such legendary sites as Titchwell Marsh, The Farne Islands and Blakeney Point. I have also recently completed a Batchelors degree in Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at Bournemouth University. Between work and studies I have travelled the world extensively, mainly on birdwatching trips, you can read about my global adventures on my other website Joe’s Birding Blog.
Every time I came back to spend time in Somerset though, I was astonished by the biodiversity on the Avalon Marshes, and consider it among the finest wildlife watching locations I know. This prompted me to set up Avalon Wildlife, I feel that the area is under-recognised, and deserves to be truly appreciated by a wider audience. I hope to use this website to showcase the amazing natural spectacles of the marshes, and use my services as a guide to deliver unforgettable experiences to those who visit. It gives me great pleasure to share my knowledge of such a special place, whether it be with residents of Glastonbury wishing to find out more about the gem on their doorstep, or birders from the other side of the world keen to see the rare species found here.

At the moment, I simply offer my services as a guide. By not providing transport, food and accommodation I can focus on what I do best, and keep my costs down, transferring top value-for-money to my clients.

I volunteer regularly on the Avalon Marshes reserves. This is a win-win situation, volunteering with work parties and species monitoring gives me an intimate knowledge of the marshes, allowing me to provide a better experience for my clients, and also, importantly, gives me a means to give something back to the land which I am making a living from.
Contact me at joe@avalonwildlife.co.uk, or call 07740 862 710

If you see me out and about on the Avalon Marshes and i'm not leading a tour, feel free to stop and say hello, even if you're not interested in booking a tour with me and just want to know what's about.

I am also available to act as a bird guide on trips worldwide, contact me for details.