Friday, 3 April 2015

3rd April

After a nice month away in Indonesia (which you can read about here) i'm back in Somerset and looking forward to the coming of Spring. It's a bit quiet on the Levels right now ,with most of the winter duck gone and the summer arrivals still not around. All the resident species are starting to think about nesting through so its a good time of year to see them, and with far fewer people on the reserves than in the busier seasons its still nice to be out and about, even though day species lists are a little on the low side.
Great Crested Grebe

Great White Egret

Little Egret

Marsh Harrier, one of last years young

Scruffy looking Roe Deer
These will be my last pictures for a while, as my trusty old lens is in for repair having suffered 8 years of abuse. A severe whack against a rock has limited the close focus to 10m and slowed the autofocus considerably, and one of the lens elements is covered in mould, which i'm hoping is the reason behind my recent shoddy picture quality