Thursday, 15 January 2015

Greylake Peregrines

With a few hours free this afternoon and the light much nicer than last week, I popped back over to Greylake RSPB for another look at the wintering ducks and their 'following' of predators. There was no sign of any Peregrines in their favourite tree on my arrival but presumably they had been sat down low out of the bitter wind, as after an hour or so of waiting a sudden approach by two Peregrines and a Marsh Harrier sent the ducks to the skies in a mad, whistling frenzy.

After a few fast low flights across the marsh, including one stunning pass over the hide, the falcons seemed to give up and disappeared from view. The Marsh Harrier hung around a while longer, looking for Water Rails in the reedy channels at the back of the reserve but also left unsuccessfully. 
Loitering Marsh Harrier

Peregrines causing havoc!

Shoveler showing off its bottle green head

Shoveler just as smart in flight with that lovely powder-blue wing


Reed Buntings showing nicely at the feeders in the car park

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